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Top Youtube Entertainment channels

rankYoutubersubscribersvideo viewsvideo countcategorystarted
1 Toys and ColorsToys and Colors 67,800,000 81,412,708,953 1,388 Entertainment 2016
2 MrBeastMrBeast 334,000,000 65,497,495,761 834 Entertainment 2012
3 Ryan's WorldRyan's World 38,300,000 59,115,423,485 3,081 Entertainment 2015
4 D BillionsD Billions 32,500,000 42,209,470,637 1,353 Entertainment 2019
5 Alfredo LarinAlfredo Larin 45,200,000 38,516,520,358 1,816 Entertainment 2017
6 MaviGadgetMaviGadget 36,400,000 32,037,685,116 5,633 Entertainment 2017
7 Dylan AndersonDylan Anderson 14,200,000 31,473,577,240 2,724 Entertainment 2010
8 YoeslanYoeslan 32,200,000 29,307,671,946 1,208 Entertainment 2020
9 Justin FlomJustin Flom 28,100,000 26,612,600,304 999 Entertainment 2006
10 PANDA BOIPANDA BOI 55,700,000 25,160,659,327 1,139 Entertainment 2020
11 Sesame StreetSesame Street 24,900,000 24,979,792,410 3,802 Entertainment 2006
12 TheEllenShowTheEllenShow 38,300,000 23,425,656,457 17,466 Entertainment 2006
13 DONA 도나DONA 도나 33,200,000 22,694,995,560 176 Entertainment 2018
14 Younes ZarouYounes Zarou 25,700,000 22,109,473,219 3,820 Entertainment 2021
15 Like Nastya ShowLike Nastya Show 44,100,000 21,150,405,548 763 Entertainment 2017

Top Youtube channels - detail stats

rankYoutubersubscribers/yearVideo views/YearVideo count/Year
1 Toys and ColorsToys and Colors 8,475,000 10,176,588,619 173
2 MrBeastMrBeast 27,833,333 5,458,124,646 69
3 Ryan's WorldRyan's World 4,255,555 6,568,380,387 342
4 D BillionsD Billions 6,500,000 8,441,894,127 270
5 Alfredo LarinAlfredo Larin 6,457,142 5,502,360,051 259
6 MaviGadgetMaviGadget 5,200,000 4,576,812,159 804
7 Dylan AndersonDylan Anderson 1,014,285 2,248,112,660 194
8 YoeslanYoeslan 8,050,000 7,326,917,986 302
9 Justin FlomJustin Flom 1,561,111 1,478,477,794 55
10 PANDA BOIPANDA BOI 13,925,000 6,290,164,831 284
11 Sesame StreetSesame Street 1,383,333 1,387,766,245 211
12 TheEllenShowTheEllenShow 2,127,777 1,301,425,358 970
13 DONA 도나DONA 도나 5,533,333 3,782,499,260 29
14 Younes ZarouYounes Zarou 8,566,666 7,369,824,406 1,273
15 Like Nastya ShowLike Nastya Show 6,300,000 3,021,486,506 109