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The Norris Nuts Sabre Norris, Sockie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris
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The Norris Nuts net worth

$ 1.51M - $ 9.04M *

The Norris Nuts income

$ 13.1K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 96.4K
last 30 days
$ 330K
last 90 days

The Norris Nuts have achieved significant success on YouTube, leading to speculation about their net worth. While the exact figure is unknown, it is evident that they have been able to generate substantial income through their channel and additional ventures. With over 6 million subscribers and millions of views on their videos, The Norris Nuts have a strong presence on the platform, making them attractive to brands for collaborations and sponsorships. They have partnered with various companies, including toy brands and clothing lines, which contribute to their overall earnings. Additionally, The Norris Nuts have expanded their brand through merchandise sales. They offer a range of clothing items, accessories, and other products featuring their logo and catchphrases. This has proven to be a successful venture, with their dedicated fan base eagerly purchasing their merchandise. It is important to note that income generated from YouTube and other sources is subject to factors such as ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. As a result, The Norris Nuts' net worth can fluctuate over time. However, their continued success and popularity suggest that their net worth is substantial.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

The Norris Nuts estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 25.5K
March 2024$ 106K
February 2024$ 106K
January 2024$ 70.2K
December 2023$ 99.4K
November 2023$ 113K
October 2023$ 125K
July 2023$ 83.9K
June 2023$ 43K
May 2023$ 24.4K
April 2023$ 29.6K
March 2023$ 36.4K
February 2023$ 53.3K
January 2023$ 29.3K
December 2022$ 36.1K
November 2022$ 44.5K
October 2022$ 37.2K
September 2022$ 21.8K
August 2022$ 46.4K
July 2022$ 32K
June 2022$ 36.5K
May 2022$ 32.4K
April 2022$ 6.25K

The Norris Nuts Frequently Asked Questions

Are The Norris Nuts siblings?

Yes, The Norris Nuts are a group of siblings.

How many siblings are there in The Norris Nuts?

There are 5 siblings in The Norris Nuts – Sabre, Sockie, Biggy, Naz, and Disco.

When did The Norris Nuts start their YouTube channel?

The Norris Nuts started their YouTube channel in 2014.

What type of videos do The Norris Nuts create?

The Norris Nuts create vlogs, challenges, skits, and other entertaining content.

Do The Norris Nuts have social media accounts?

Yes, The Norris Nuts are active on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Do The Norris Nuts have their own merchandise?

Yes, The Norris Nuts have their own merchandise including clothing and accessories.

What is the fan base of The Norris Nuts called?

The fan base of The Norris Nuts is called the #Legends.

Do The Norris Nuts address controversies?

Yes, The Norris Nuts address controversies professionally and with maturity.

How do The Norris Nuts handle their privacy?

The Norris Nuts prioritize their privacy and take measures to protect their personal information.

Are The Norris Nuts successful on YouTube?

Yes, The Norris Nuts have achieved significant success on YouTube with millions of subscribers and views on their videos.