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muchelleb Muchelleb
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muchelleb Youtube channel statistics

Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 32 - $ 194
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
16.04.2024 Tue +7,740 $ 2 - $ 17
13.04.2024 Sat +11,935 $ 4 - $ 26
08.04.2024 Mon +25,363 $ 9 - $ 57
03.04.2024 Wed +10,087 $ 3 - $ 22
30.03.2024 Sat +11,298 $ 4 - $ 25
26.03.2024 Tue +19,850 $ 7 - $ 44
22.03.2024 Fri +17,828 $ 6 - $ 40
18.03.2024 Mon +8,341 $ 3 - $ 18
15.03.2024 Fri +18,487 $ 6 - $ 41
11.03.2024 Mon +25,042 $ 9 - $ 56
07.03.2024 Thu +6,693 $ 2 - $ 15
04.03.2024 Mon +10,872 $ 4 - $ 24
01.03.2024 Fri +10,180 $ 3 - $ 22
26.02.2024 Mon +11,022 $ 4 - $ 24

muchelleb biography

Muchelleb is a popular YouTube channel created by Michelle Broadbent, an Australian content creator. With a focus on personal development and minimalism, Muchelleb provides viewers with practical advice and inspiration to lead a more intentional and fulfilling life. The channel offers a variety of videos, including organization tips, goal-setting strategies, and self-care routines. Michelle Broadbent, known as Muchelleb, has gained a loyal following due to her relatable and authentic approach to content creation. Her channel has become a go-to resource for individuals seeking to simplify their lives, declutter their spaces, and cultivate positive habits. Muchelleb's videos often feature minimalist aesthetics and calming visuals, creating an inviting atmosphere for viewers. Through her channel, Muchelleb inspires her audience to embrace mindfulness, pursue their goals, and create a life that aligns with their values. Her videos offer practical advice, actionable steps, and thought-provoking insights to help individuals live intentionally and find fulfillment. For more information and to explore Muchelleb's content, visit the official website or YouTube channel.

muchelleb famous quotes

Simplify your life to amplify your impact.
Intentional living is about creating a life that aligns with your values and priorities.
Take small steps each day to create meaningful change.
Declutter your physical space to declutter your mind.
Focus on progress, not perfection.
Create rituals and routines that support your well-being.
Invest in yourself and your personal growth.
Choose experiences over possessions.
Practice gratitude daily.
Embrace simplicity and let go of what no longer serves you.