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Lex Fitness Lawrence Ballenger
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Youtuber since
Fitness Trainer, YouTuber, Entrepreneur
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Lex Fitness net worth

$ 57.9K - $ 347K *

Lex Fitness income

$ 165
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 464
last 30 days
$ 1.79K
last 90 days

As of 2021, the net worth of Lex Fitness is estimated to be around $1 million. Apart from his YouTube channel, he also runs a successful fitness supplement line called 'LFTD' and an apparel line called 'LXFT'. He has also partnered with other fitness brands and companies to promote their products and services.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Lex Fitness estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 182
March 2024$ 548
February 2024$ 650
January 2024$ 782
December 2023$ 758
November 2023$ 825
October 2023$ 939
July 2023$ 1.57K
June 2023$ 1.07K
May 2023$ 520
April 2023$ 1.19K
March 2023$ 884
February 2023$ 794
January 2023$ 1.47K
December 2022$ 1.83K
November 2022$ 2.51K
October 2022$ 2.56K
September 2022$ 599
August 2022$ 1.77K
July 2022$ 1.8K
June 2022$ 1.45K
May 2022$ 378
April 2022$ 140

Lex Fitness Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lex Fitness known for?

Lex Fitness is known for providing fitness training and nutrition advice through its YouTube channel and other ventures.

Does Lex Fitness have its own supplement line?

Yes, Lex Fitness has a supplement line called 'LFTD'.

Has Lex Fitness been involved in any controversies?

Yes, Lex Fitness has been involved in a few controversies over the years, including promoting a weight-loss supplement scam and being accused of using fake weights in his videos.

What other ventures is Lex Fitness involved in?

Apart from his YouTube channel and supplement line, Lex Fitness also runs an apparel line called 'LXFT' and has partnered with other fitness brands and companies to promote their products and services.

Where can I find Lex Fitness' merchandise?

You can find Lex Fitness' merchandise on his website

Does Lex Fitness have a spouse or partner?

Yes, Lex Fitness is married to a man named James. They frequently appear together on his social media accounts and have a joint YouTube channel called 'Lex and James'. They got married in 2020.

What is the goal of Lex Fitness?

The goal of Lex Fitness is to inspire and motivate people to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle through his training, nutrition, and lifestyle advice.