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Top Youtube Shows channels

rankYoutubersubscribersvideo viewsvideo countcategorystarted
1 SET IndiaSET India 181,000,000 174,268,719,342 150,775 Shows 2006
2 Sony SABSony SAB 99,000,000 125,219,724,291 95,758 Shows 2007
3 Colors TVColors TV 78,500,000 77,546,370,737 203,396 Shows 2008
4 Sony PALSony PAL 45,400,000 35,184,999,485 30,994 Shows 2014
5 Masha and The BearMasha and The Bear 50,400,000 30,446,815,573 1,794 Shows 2014
6 Sony AATHSony AATH 26,800,000 20,317,659,978 23,841 Shows 2013
7 MGC PlayhouseMGC Playhouse 17,700,000 16,744,459,415 1,645 Shows 2009
8 Star JalshaStar Jalsha 14,100,000 16,151,092,254 110,910 Shows 2011
9 Star MaaStar Maa 11,500,000 15,635,921,364 58,686 Shows 2006
10 Kids TV - Nursery Rhymes And Baby SongsKids TV - Nursery Rhymes And Baby Songs 30,600,000 15,432,493,419 4,390 Shows 2013
11 Mr BeanMr Bean 34,300,000 11,640,756,336 3,794 Shows 2006
12 Masha e o UrsoMasha e o Urso 22,900,000 10,594,937,029 1,673 Shows 2016
13 ماشا و الدبماشا و الدب 18,800,000 10,496,060,708 1,584 Shows 2017
14 Теремок - Песенки для детейТеремок - Песенки для детей 13,800,000 10,243,620,974 1,542 Shows 2014
15 Annoying OrangeAnnoying Orange 13,200,000 9,166,089,231 2,284 Shows 2010

Top Youtube channels - detail stats

rankYoutubersubscribers/yearVideo views/YearVideo count/Year
1 SET IndiaSET India 9,526,315 9,172,037,860 7,935
2 Sony SABSony SAB 5,500,000 6,956,651,349 5,319
3 Colors TVColors TV 4,617,647 4,561,551,219 11,964
4 Sony PALSony PAL 4,127,272 3,198,636,316 2,817
5 Masha and The BearMasha and The Bear 4,581,818 2,767,892,324 163
6 Sony AATHSony AATH 2,233,333 1,693,138,331 1,986
7 MGC PlayhouseMGC Playhouse 1,106,250 1,046,528,713 102
8 Star JalshaStar Jalsha 1,007,142 1,153,649,446 7,922
9 Star MaaStar Maa 605,263 822,943,229 3,088
10 Kids TV - Nursery Rhymes And Baby SongsKids TV - Nursery Rhymes And Baby Songs 2,550,000 1,286,041,118 365
11 Mr BeanMr Bean 1,805,263 612,671,386 199
12 Masha e o UrsoMasha e o Urso 2,544,444 1,177,215,225 185
13 ماشا و الدبماشا و الدب 2,350,000 1,312,007,588 198
14 Теремок - Песенки для детейТеремок - Песенки для детей 1,254,545 931,238,270 140
15 Annoying OrangeAnnoying Orange 880,000 611,072,615 152